What is dangerous and what are the consequences of cervical osteochondrosis, the causes of development and symptoms

With osteochondrosis, the structure of the spine has undergone degenerative dystrophic changes, which are accompanied by a violation of the anatomical structure of the intervertebral disc, as well as the function performed by it. One of the common forms of the disease is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

If you think that statistics data, then more than half of the population of the globe should have one degree or another the severity of manifestation of the pathology. As a rule, the average age of the primary manifestation of the disease takes place over a period of 30-40 years.

In cases where adverse living conditions are combined, genetic predisposition and provocative factors, the development of osteochondrosis can reach the age of 20-30 years. Especially if this is facilitated by prolonged static loads of the spinal comb or injuries to the back of different severity.Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous? His complications and consequences, can a person die of illness?Clinical picture

Important! The main provocateur of the formation of pathology is the uneven stress of the spine. This can happen due to wearing a heavy bag on only one shoulder or in one hand, sitting in uncomfortable, from the spine, posture, the use of a very soft mattress, large feathers for sleep, wearing high and very high heels. All this leads to an incorrect distribution of spinal load.

In addition, the negative impact is exercised by:

  • Hypodinamia;
  • A sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • The resulting injury to the spine, pelvic bones or limbs;
  • Pathological changes in the set of the foot;
  • Age aspect.

    Other causes affecting the development of the disease include:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • Chronic psycho -emotional stress;
  • metabolic processes disorders;
  • any type of poisoning;
  • digestive systemic diseases;
  • Professional damage (for example, they include the work of the vibration platform);
  • genetic factors;
  • the formation of posture disorders, scoliosis during the period when the skeleton is in the phase of active growth;
  • improperly selected shoes (very tight, high heel);
  • Regular insufficient use of liquids;
  • Improper and less nutrition, lack of sufficient recognition in the body of all vitamins and monitors the elements needed for it;
  • Chronic intoxication with nicotine;
  • The period of pregnancy as this condition is characterized by displacement of the center of gravity.Spinal disc

    What threatens osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in women?

    The main clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis:

  • neck pain, shoulder girdle, ribs;
  • feeling of discomfort, stiffness in body movements (changes in its position, inclination, turning of the head);
  • muscle hypertension or, conversely, hypotonus;
  • the appearance of numbness in the area of the hands, arms and fingers;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • Asthenia symptoms;
  • Severe pain;
  • the appearance of paresthesia in the area of the upper limbs;
  • The appearance of spots in front of the eyes;
  • A feeling of tinnitus.

    Doctors' opinion:

    Cervical osteochondrosis is a serious disease that can lead to various complications if you do not pay attention to it. Doctors note that the main reasons for the development of this condition are associated with improper posture, sitting lifestyles, excessive stress in the cervical spine. Symptoms of osteochondrosis may include neck pain, headache, dizziness, a feeling of tingling in the hands. Often, patients complain of a sense of stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Doctors warn that ignoring these symptoms can lead to nerve compression, blood disorders, and even the development of hernias on the intervertebral disc. Therefore, it is important to contact the specialists in a timely manner to diagnose and prescribe complex treatment, including medicines, physiotherapy and special exercises. Spinal lesions

    The course of the pathological process can be divided into four stages:

  • During this period, primary changes in the pulpulated nucleus of the intervertebral discs began. The heavy loads lead to dehydration of the nucleus, which is why the volume of the intervertebral disc is significantly reduced and cracks appear in the fibrous ring. This stage usually has no clinical manifestations. The only worrying symptom may be a feeling of discomfort during active movements or a long stay in an uncomfortable position.
  • The continued decrease in the volume of the discs will contribute to the reduction of intervals between the adjacent vertebrae, as well as to the continuation of the muscles and the ligamental apparatus of the spine. These changes will lead to the fact that the vertebrae and their affected discs become more mobile, which is filled with the appearance of their displacement or slipping. Here, patients are already complaining about the onset of pain, which are provoked by a change in body position, finding themselves in some poses and the influence of loads.
  • At this stage, a prolapse or protrusion of the affected disc will occur. Which is often accompanied by the formation of subluxation of the joint or arthrosis of the joints of the spine. Patients begin to complain about the appearance of restrictions on the implementation of a certain range of movements, stiffness, paresthesia or numbness in the upper limb. The pain syndrome, the localization of which is limited by the neck area, becomes more intensive and requires medication to relieve it.
  • The body does its best to equalize the results of increased mobility of individual vertebrae, adaptation to the new conditions of existence associated with a violation of the normal functioning of the structures of the spine. In areas where the vertebrae are in contact with each other, bone tissue growth (SO -the osteophytes are formed) for a more reliable fixation. But there are frequent cases where bone growth causes injury to the vertebrae, compression of the vascular-abnormal beam. The formation of fibrous ankylosis of the intervertebral joints. If there is no injury or compression of the nerve endings, then the severity of the clinical manifestations may be slightly faded.What does osteochondrosis look like in the spine

    Neurological symptoms: head, neck and back pain, effect on the brainViolations of the vegetascular system

    Degenerative changes in the vertebrae lead to a violation of their structure. With the progression of the disease, changes begin to affect the vascular and nerve structures that go down the spine.

    Warning! Irritation of nerve roots causes the appearance of vascular spasm (vasoconstrictor affects the arteries), resulting in the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain is impaired. Neural ischemia leads to a disruption of the production of certain hormones, the task of which involves ensuring the normal functioning of the vegetative system.

    The result will be the progression of the symptoms of vegetascular dystonia:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • temples pain;
  • difficulty or inability to take a deep breath;
  • dizziness, syncopal conditions;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain behind the sternum;
  • epigastric pain;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • The appearance of tremor hands.Other people's experience

    Cervical osteochondrosis is a serious disease that many talk about. It is dangerous that it can lead to various complications, including disorders of blood circulation in the brain and spine. At the same time, the consequences can be extremely serious, until limb paralysis. The causes of the development of this disease can be improper posture, sedentary lifestyle, neck injuries, infections. Symptoms include headache, dizziness, tinnitus, a feeling of tingling in the hands. It is therefore important to contact a specialist at the first characters to avoid possible complications.Hypertension and hypotension

    Compression of radicular nerve structures in the cervical region causes a vascular innervation impairment. Constant compression of nerve tissue leads to the fact that fibers lose the ability to adequately conduct impulses from the pyramidal brain structure of the brain.

    Warning! In advanced cases, spinal artery syndrome may form. In this case, both hypotonic condition and hypertension can occur.

    With a combination of osteochondrosis with a high level of vertebrae damage and fluctuations in blood pressure, the approach to condition therapy should be complex. If only a cardiologist treats such patients, he or she will not achieve the pressure normal. This is possible to have a parallel effect on pathological changes in the spine. In the absence of an integrated approach, a sharp compensatory pressure jump may occur, which causes the development of spinal ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Symptoms with cervical osteochondrosis

    The danger of destructive effects on the spineHeadache and a disturbed nervous system

    Pain in the area of the head is one of the common symptoms of this pathology. The use of painkillers has a positive effect only for a short period of time, but there is no elimination of the root cause of the disease.

    The main factor that leads to pain is the formed subluxation of the vertebrae of the neck. In this case, there is a pronounced compression of the spinal arteries and nearby nerve fibers.

    The headache is regular. The following symptoms may accompany her:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • tinnitus;
  • darkening in front of the eyes;
  • short -term loss of consciousness;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • Reduced productivity.Syndromes

    The following complexes of syndromes are distinguished in the osteochondrosis clinic:

  • Compression-brown cervical vertebrogen syndrome;
  • Inik, reflex pain syndrome; muscle tonic;
  • Spinal artery syndrome;
  • Myelopathy cervical compression.Cervical osteochondrosis therapy

    The effect of therapy and the use of therapeutic drugs, their harmful effects on the jointsHow to prevent pathology

    In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is sufficient to perform a set of exercises regularly. Approximate option for morning or evening gymnastics:

  • Press your forehead in the palm and strain the neck muscles. It is necessary to make three approaches in seven seconds. Then change the direction and press the back of the head in the palm of your hand. The number of approaches is the same.
  • Press the left time area of the left palm and then repeat the exercise for the right side. In this case, you should remember to strain the cervical muscles.
  • The head throws a little back. You should then press the chin to the jugular pit, overcoming the resistance of the tense muscle fibers. The number of approaches is five.
  • The head and shoulder belt are upright. It is necessary to first make the turns of the head to the maximum possible amplitude to the right side, then on the left.
  • The chin sinks to the neck. And the heads of the head are also made first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • The head is thrown back. It is necessary to touch the right ear of the right shoulder and then back.

    All exercises are performed five times on each side. They can be made at home and at work. Especially if the work is connected to large loads of the neck. The starting position can also be selected for any: standing or sitting in a chair. What should not be done is to perform circular head movements because you can activate the vertebrae.

    Treatment results: To what extent you can get rid of the disease, the possible complications of the disease and the consequences are dangerous to life

    Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that will not be performed over time. Modern medicine is not able to cure degenerative changes in the vertebrae. Therefore, the task of patients and doctors is to prevent the progression of pathology and complications.Frequent questionsWhat can be the consequences of cervical osteochondrosis?

    What is dangerous cervical osteochondrosis If you do not take timely treatment, the result of the disease can be a disorder of cerebral circulation, weakness and atrophy of the muscles, impaired function of the internal organs and systems. The disease also leads to limitation of the mobility of the spine and the loss of sensitivity of the hands. What helps very well with cervical osteochondrosis?

    Effective painkillers in the form of gels, ointments, tablets, injections contraindicated in children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.  What does a person with cervical osteochondrosis feel?

    With "cervical osteochondrosis" in the neck, visible areas of muscular atrophy (weight loss), reduction or increase in muscle tone of the long muscles of the back and may be noted disorders of the static in the cervical region.Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?

    The dangers of cervical osteochondrosis in the advanced stage of osteochondrosis can develop ischemia, stroke and many other diseases that are dangerous to human life. Therefore, when any symptoms associated with this disease occur, it is recommended to seek medical attention.Helpful tipsCouncil No. 1

    Keep the right posture and avoid a long stay in the wrong position of the head to reduce the load on the cervical spine.Council No. 2

    Do neck exercises regularly and back to strengthen the muscles and improve joint flexibility.Council No. 3

    Avoid lifting weights without the right technique so as not to load the cervical spine and not worsen osteochondrosis.